On a strategic location in Turnhout, near the E34 and between Everdongenlaan and Steenweg on Zevendonk, Jeni Holding nv realized a diverse and well-kept business park. The masterplan contains a central multi-user building with a mix of large and smaller sme units, around which a private road is provided to give acces to the whole. Situated on the outside of this loop are the plots with high visibility value along the two major traffic axes. In this way the use of available space could be optimized for its qualities and in addition, no new or additional connections to the public road had to be realized. A major advantage of this park lies in the collectivity of the use of the available space and the careful design, the finishing, the greenery and the strict maintenance of the business park as a whole. Along the Steenweg on Zevendonk, Porsche Van Beurden, Raamcomfort, Van Calster and CTW Truckwash were settled in open and semi-open buildings, built to suit. Also Autoparts Dejonghe, Verano, Blicon, Struyven and Jeni Holding found a nice base in the representative building along the Everdongenlaan.